Ready to Transform?

Oh boy do I have a transformation to share! Here’s my little 3 day transformation from as I came off of the 30 day road trip... YES 30 days girl...and it was amazing, every minute of it! As coming home started to get closer and closer, I knew that the eating and sugary adult cocktails would be ending soon, so I ordered Chris and I each a Refresh pack for us to do upon getting home. Ok so seriously, I felt so bloated, fuller than normal, my energy levels were low, and my sleep was off due to all the stress, inflammation, and flux in hormone levels that also come with travel and eating out every day for 30 days. Ha but guess what?! I took back control and leaned into this 3 Day Plant Based and Super Food packed meal plan to rid my body of the toxins that had built up inside of me. In just 3 days all of the things I was feeling evaporated into thin air. I got my peace back! I got my mojo back. Plus I dropped 5 lbs and 5 inches!! So friend if you have lost hope and think that you just can’t get back in track I am here to you that’s a LIE. Yes you can and yes you will if you just DECIDE to do it. It’s up to you and I know if I can do this, then so can you! Never stop believing in the power of you! YOU ARE that IMPORTANT!
Love ya,
Missy Meaux
Live. Love. Light.